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Today, UPPF, a supplier of car paint protection film, shares with you how to deal with water marks, corrosion marks, slight spots and surface spot defects on the car paint surface.

Treatment of water marks

The water mark pattern is ring-shaped, which is the trace left after the water droplets evaporate. Oxidized cars, cars commonly used for washing spirit, and cars with cracks are more likely to be infected with water spots. These car paints are very fragile, and the evaporation of water droplets in general will also cause water marks. When the water marks are relatively slight, polish and wax them It can be processed, and in severe cases, it has to be ground or painted.

Treatment of etch

Corrosion marks are planar abrasions, and bird droppings, insects, leaves, tar pitch, etc. may cause corrosion marks.

Very slight corrosion can be solved by grinding, polishing and waxing. However, etch marks generally cause serious damage to the paint surface, so etch marks are usually treated by spraying paint. A high-grade wax is often used to polish the paint surface to help prevent the appearance of pitting.

Treatment of spots

Car paint film spots mainly include stains, rain spots, mildew spots, rust spots, and the like. Most of these spots are produced during the use of the car, but the cause is closely related to the paint film coating. For example, improper selection of paint during painting, violation of painting operating regulations, etc. will cause spots on the paint surface.

If there are rain spots or stains on the paint surface, it is easier to remove them if they do not penetrate deep. If the spots have penetrated into the deep layer or spots and rust spots appear, it will be more difficult to remove. Depending on the type of spot and the depth of penetration, the removal method is also different.

(1) Removal of slight spots. When there are very light rain spots or stains on the paint film, and the paint has changed color, but the spots have not yet penetrated into the deep layer, the removal method is relatively simple:

① Clean with water first, and then clean with wax removal solvent;

② Neutralize with sodium bicarbonate solution, then rinse thoroughly;

③ After drying, polish with car wax.

(2) Removal of surface spots. The varnish spot is ring-shaped, and the center of the ring has become dark, indicating that the spot has penetrated into the surface layer. The removal method at this time is:

① Clean and neutralize as described above;

② Polish the spots by hand. According to the depth of the spots, if you need to use a polishing machine to polish, you should check frequently during the polishing to make the topcoat worn off as little as possible;

③ If the spots are deep, use 1500 or 2000 sandpaper to wet sand; if the spots are still visible, use 1200 sandpaper;

④ After cleaning, wax and polish.

When you choose to maintain the appearance of your car, UPPF sincerely recommends you to choose us. Whether it is a partial installation or a complete vehicle installation, our PPF will provide maximum protection for your vehicle. You can rely on us.